Aeropress Revelation.

It’s no secret that I’m in Florida right now, lapping up the 85oF weather – zero chance of rain, not a cloud in the sky. But before I came I made sure of one thing. I ordered a Aeropress and Porlex Mini to the house we are staying in. You might think that is a little OTT and I agree that maybe I should just put up with the local offerings. But this is the thing; the closest place that can make a flat white is 45 minutes drive away – other than that it’s dunkin’ donuts and Starbucks all the way. Now as my last post indicated I’m not exactly a fan of Starbucks, so to avoid drinking shitty coffee I thought the investment necessary to make sure I enjoyed my coffee.

buckshot coffee roasters sheffield aeropauses and prolix mini grinder
My Aeropress and Porlex Mini Grinder.

First off I needed coffee beans. A trip to the local World Markets deliver a range of coffees better than your local deli. However a medium roast Guatemalan is actually more like a city roast. Just beyond second crack and a lot of the delicacies of the coffee have disappeared. However, this suits the Aeropress because it unleashes a bold milk chocolate flavour that pretty much swamps the subtle cherry and orange flavours left behind. But this is the beauty of Aeropress, no matter what you throw at it, it produces a consistent flavour without the “Espresso Machine Tarnish”. Which brings me on to my next point…

It is hot over here, I mean sweaty dip in the pool every 5 minutes hot. Now I’m not the biggest fan of iced lattes but with an adjustment of temperature the Aeropress produces a great one.

Buckshot Coffee roasters sheffield aeropress iced latte
Ethiopian Aeropress Iced Latte.

When you water down espresso machine shots they leave bitterness and boldness only really appropriate for hot drinks. This method removes the harshness and leaves you with a beautifully clean summer drink. I recommend anyone to try it.

In a few days I’m travelling to Tampa which is arguably the coffee capital of Florida. They have Buddy Brew Coffee, Blind Tiger Cafe and the very cool Commune & Co. I will not only be enjoying their wares but also stealing as much coffee to taste as possible! I’ll let you know how I get on…Until then

– Peace

Aeropress Revelation.

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